© It All Matters.
At It All Matters we believe that it is never too late to make a positive difference for your child.
“If [children] are emotionally healthy, they can enjoy an energized engagement in life, explorative urges, curiosity, and the desire to venture into the world. Your child’s interest and curiosty about the world will come from you. “
– Margot Sunderland – The Science of Parenting
Parenting Classes
Bamboo Babies
What are the major challenges that you face as a parent of young children? We asked and parents answered!
Using feedback from parents, the It All Matters team began constructing evidence-based curriculum for parenting classes in 2018. These classes are designed to support parents with strategies for overcoming these challenges calmly and for providing the best advantages for supporting the developing minds of children.
Cultivating a bamboo plant can be tricky. You may carefully water and nurture the plant for weeks, months, or even years without seeing real changes in the plant and then, suddenly, it flourishes!
Just like the bamboo plant, children require much love, intention, and nurturing. When babies are very young, it may seem that all of the energy spent talking, touching, reading, playing, and singing to your child makes little difference. This couldn’t be further from the truth!
At IT ALL MATTERS, we have made it our mission to convey to parents the critical importance of early parent-child interactions on the successful development of the child. The Bamboo Babies Parenting Curriculum is specially designed with this in mind and provides interactive lessons, tools, and supports for parents seeking to give their little ones the best beginnings.
Interested in hosting or taking a class? Follow the links below to learn more.

“Positive parenting minimizes health and opportunity disparities by armoring children with large stores of emotional resilience.”
– Brooks & Goldstein – 2001
“The magnitude of children’s accomplishments depends less on the material and educational advantages available in the home…”

“…and more on the amount of experience children accumulate with parents that provides…”
“…language diversity, affirmative feedback, symbolic emphasis, gentle guidance, and responsiveness.”
– Hart and Risely

“Quite possibly, we might have greater impact if we taught children how to be parents before they become parents.”
– Clayton M. Christensen
“The parents who did not begin speaking seriously to their children until their children could speak suffered a persistent deficit in intellectual capacity compared to those whose parents were talkative from the beginning.” – Hart and Risely

“By being a sensitive and responsive parent, you can help set your kids on a positive path, teach them self control, reduce the likelihood of troublesome behaviors, and build a warm, caring, parent-child relationship.” – Carol Metzler
“[Attachment to parents] also has a major positive impact on brain development with research showing that secure attachment triggers optimal levels of anti-anxiety and anti-aggression chemicals in the brain.” – Margot Sunderland

Featured Videos
Our inaugural Bamboo Babies parenting classes took place in February of 2020. Our new parent participants created memories and built parenting skills that will last a lifetime!
Check out these videos for a sneak-peek of the life-changing experience of participating in Bamboo Babies!